“Facing the Devil of the North Shore”: Experience the horrific journey of Father Alexis Joveneau, accused of raping dozens of young girls and boys

The powerful documentary series Facing the Devil of the North Coast Coming out Friday on MOI ET CIE, it takes viewers into the horrific journey of Father Alexis Joveneau, a Belgian missionary who for decades exploited the residents of the Lower North Shore to satisfy his urges.

We are talking here about pedophilia and rape, both against young women and young men, but also about fraud and lies, as if nothing would stop Joveneau, whose charisma opened all the doors for him, those of white people. like that of the Innu communities.

Joveneau was associated with the Oblates of the Immaculate Conception of Mary and came to the region in 1953, where he remained until his death in 1992. He also allegedly deported Innu, forced marriages, and decided which children were sent to boarding schools.

Journalists Magalie Lapointe and Michel Jean and Nutashkuan director Jani Bellefleur-Kaltush conduct this spooky investigation, offered for the first time to subscribers of the Vrai platform. They debunk the myth that Joveneau built thanks to the power of his position, even earning the nickname “Pope of the North Coast.” Archive images and on-site interviews add a lot of concreteness to the documentary series produced by Isabelle Tincler.

Facing the Devil of the North Shore Experience the horrific

The field investigation for the documentary series “Face the Devil of the North Shore” is conducted by TVA host Michel Jean, journalist Magalie Lapointe and director Jani Bellefleur-Kaltush. PHOTO PROVIDED BY VRAI

We measure the extent of the always vivid and painful traumas based on the protagonists interviewed.

The five episodes of the documentary series Face au Diable de la Côte-Nord, produced by Pixcom in collaboration with Quebecor Media, will be presented on MOI ET CIE from Friday November 17th at 9 p.m.

Second season of “Convoy Sub-Zero”

In addition, starting Friday, MOI ET CIE will also be offering the second season of “Convoy sous Zero,” a 10-episode docu-reality series that focuses on the lifestyle of truckers who face many challenges on the wintry roads of Northern Ontario have mastered. They serve isolated communities and have weather and difficult conditions as their enemy.

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Everything is directed by Éric Blouin and Bernard La Frenière and produced by Sphère Média in collaboration with Quebecor Content.


Then, also starting this Friday, but at 10 p.m., MOI ET CIE expects nine documentaries to reach the general public. These are the productions “The World According to Elon Musk”, “Lovaganza: The Great Illusion” (original production), “Becoming the Beckhams”, “Depp vs. Heard” and “And Now” (original production), “The Footballer, His Wife and the slip-up”, “Weistein the process” #SalePute and Cryptoqueen: the queen of scams.