Fairy circles: Mysterious phenomenon fascinates scientists and researchers

Fairy circle

Fairy circle

Photo: Photo:Istock

Fairy circlesA natural phenomenon in the shape of welldesigned circles that occurs in arid biomes around the planet has caught the attention of researchers and environmentalists.

For the first time, circular shapes surrounded by evenly distributed plants were seen in the deserts of Namibia, southern Africa and Western Australia. The reason for the formation of these forms in the ground is still one Secret for researchers who, since the discovery of the first circles, have dedicated themselves to elucidating the reasons for the emergence of this phenomenon in these regions.

In research on the subject carried out using artificial intelligence under the direction of Manuel Delgado Baquerizo, head of the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function (BioFunLab) of the Spanish Supreme Council for Scientific Investigations (CSIC), and published last Monday Mass, 25, in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences—identified patterns found in these natural forms on three different continents and in 15 different countries.

The research also included database analyzes using satellite images. Using research data, scientists and researchers have found that the phenomenon occurs in dry places with high temperatures and low nutrient levels in the soil.

Source: Redação Terra