Family in shock: woman dies in hospital because she drank so much water TV Foco

The hospital where the victim was admitted was accused of negligence

An absurd case occurred in one hospital from Great Britain. This time it is said that a woman aged 45 died due to the negligence of the doctors in charge of her.

Michelle Whitehead was admitted to the Millbrook Mental Health Unit in Nottinghamshire in 2021. At this point, she was experiencing symptoms of paranoia, irritability, restlessness, and distortion of reality.

According to the family, she drank excessive amounts of water and fell into a coma as excessive fluid intake caused the victim to have low sodium levels, which led to brain swelling. The information comes from the international newspaper Chron.

hospitalAccording to Chron, the woman died due to negligence by doctors at the Millbrook Mental Health Unit hospital in the United Kingdom (Photo: Reproduction / Twitter)

Now Michelle Whitehead’s relatives are accusing hospital doctors of allowing themselves to be distracted by using their mobile phones, even though this is banned on the wards. “It was inadequate monitoring,” said a family member of the deceased patient.

Michael, the woman’s widower, provided details of the situation. “When Michelle fell asleep, the team should have known something was seriously wrong. If they had acted sooner, she would have been taken to intensive care and hooked up to an IV. “It would have saved her life,” he explained.

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In a statement, the hospital admitted to making a series of errors, including sedation and inadequate assessment of the condition. In addition, there were delays in the arrival of a doctor and paramedics on site. An apology was issued to the family.

Under these circumstances the case ended in court.

hospitalHospital assumed outages after patient’s death; The case caused a stir on Twitter (Photo: TV Foco)

Who is Michelle Whitehead?

Michelle Whitehead was a patient at Millbrook Mental Health Unit Hospital in Nottinghamshire, UK. She died at the age of 45 as a result of brain swelling due to medical negligence.

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