Fan throws phone at Jão during show and singer replies

Jo (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

This weekend, during a show on the Pirata tour, singer Jo was almost hit by a cellphone thrown by a fan who was in the audience. The fact even made the singer taunt the viewer and ask if she was rich for touching such a phone.

With any luck, the artist dodged the device and was unharmed. He scolded the irresponsible attitude. “You are rich […] steal a phone like that?” he complained.

Taking to social media, the singer urged fans not to throw objects on stage. “Be very careful when trying to deliver things on stage, the phone barely hit Jo which could have caused an accident. Respect his space and try to do it as safely as possible, okay? Respect Jo. Something that can’t hurt him funny. Really almost hit Jo. Don’t put him in danger,” the statement said.

After the moment went viral across the internet, Jeito Moleque lead singer Guilherme Albuquerque expressed regret about the situation, which he said was nothing new. “PQP! It’s becoming fashionable! When it gets in the face, it really hurts! It’s happened here before… but it deviates and goes on with life,” he said.