Actress Fernanda Vasconcellos showed up with her baby in her luxurious condo and enchanted
The actress Fernanda Vasconcellos arrived at his place with her baby in a rare appearance. The famous is a firsttime mother. In June of that year, she gave birth to a baby boy. Little Romeo is four months old.
The special date also marked a very difficult moment in the artist’s life. It turns out that on the same day that the firstborn was born, she lost her pet that she loved so much and kept her company.
“And on the happiest day of my life, when Romeo arrived, the pain surprised me, you left me and your absence continues to hurt me a lot. Companion for walks, snacks, naps, life… the most traveled of all, enjoyed being tied up in hotel beds… I made so many plans for you to meet Romeo, I have mine so much presented, I wanted so much … . Fernanda VasconcellosOn this occasion.
She added: “Extreme emotions in a short amount of time. On the day that seemed perfect, everything made sense without the slightest sense, joy and pain. Well… I’m glad I kissed you a lot, hugged you a lot, spoiled you and did everything a lot! Well my girl…I love you, I miss you all”.
Both the actress and her husband still miss Nina very much, who left a void in the house. From time to time they remember the puppy and talk about moments with her. Fernanda Vasconcellos is married to the actor Cassio Reis. In addition to Romeo, the artist is also the father of a 14yearold teenager. Noah arose from his relationship with Danielle Winits, to whom he was married.
Fernanda and Cássio live in a luxurious and spacious mansion. The property has a swimming pool and a beautiful green area where some fruit trees are expected to grow. The property is located in a luxury gated community in a prime area of São Paulo.
In a rare appearance with the heir, the mother appeared, walking around the place with him. All smiling and with a comfortable look, the famous carries the baby in her stroller. The little drive around the condominium led to a special click that ended up on the internet and delighted the family’s fans.
Reproduction Instagram Actress Fernanda Vasconcellos walks with Romeo in her apartment
Reproduction Instagram Cássio Reis and Fernanda Vasconcellos in one click with Nina