Filled with the Spirit of God by David Nolent – ​​Thought of the Day – TopChrétien

Filled with the Spirit of God

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Pharaoh said to them, “This man is filled with the Spirit of God. Could we find someone more competent than him? »
Genesis 41:38

God hasn't changed. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Bible says that a man or woman's abilities and achievements are strengthened when the Spirit of God rests upon them.

This was the case with Joseph. It is clear that his ability to interpret dreams does not come from him. In his close relationship with God, filled with the Spirit of God, he developed his gifts and talents and stood out from the crowd. Joseph's case is not an isolated one. We see it, for example, in the stories of David, Samson or Paul.

Maybe you feel like God has forgotten you. Or that your boss or spouse has neglected you. My prayer is – as you seek deep intimacy with God – that His Spirit will rest in and on you in power, that you will hear these incredible and encouraging words from someone you know:

“This person is filled with the Spirit of God. Could we find someone more knowledgeable than her?”

God has chosen you to do good works prepared in advance (Ephesians 2:10). Then he enables you through his Spirit to reach them, just like Bessalel:

“I chose Bessalel (…). I filled him with my spirit to make him very skillful and intelligent. He knows all kinds of techniques: he knows how to make beautiful things, he knows how to work gold, silver and bronze. He knows how to cut gemstones and attach them to objects, he knows how to carve wood. In a word, he knows how to do everything” (Exodus 31:2-5).

What do you have in your hands? A pen, a keyboard, a phone, a compass, a paintbrush?

In the name of Jesus, I pray and declare that God will make you “very skillful and intelligent” so that you will know how to “do all things” for the glory of God.

Listen to the voice of God

Do you know what special ability God has endowed you with? Take the time to ask him about it and listen to his answer.

Praying is easy. Share your heart with God like a friend, He is always ready to hear you. Here is a sample prayer: “Lord, sometimes I think I have nothing in my hands. Still, I know that you have given me gifts and talents, and I thank you for those gifts. Help me to develop and use them to glorify You.” . Amen!”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. God has personally chosen you to carry out the works He has prepared for you in advance. Isn't that a wonderful subject to praise? Thank Him for this with a grateful heart!

Take action today

So what can you do to utilize the gifts and talents God has given you? Write down specific actions and choose at least one that you can take today. Remember: nothing is insignificant to God.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Lord, thank you for the gifts and talents you have endowed me with! Yours be the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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David is married to Iryna and is Father of 3 daughtersMary, Anna and Elisa.

He is Director of TopChrétien since 2016.

he's also Author of 7 books. Further information here:

➡️ Find David Nolent on the platform Beebli !