Five former DINA agents sentenced to prison in Chile

Five former DINA agents sentenced to prison in Chile

Photo: El Paí

SANTIAGO, Chile, July 14 (RHC) – The Chilean judiciary this Friday sentenced five former agents of the defunct National Intelligence Agency (DINA) to prison terms for the kidnapping of two neighborhood leaders during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990).

Manuel Cartes and José Flores, Communist Party militants and neighborhood representatives of the municipality of Peñalolén, were arrested at their respective homes on August 23, 1974 and taken to torture centers such as Cuatro Álamos and Villa Grimaldi; her whereabouts are still unknown. .

For this reason, the Court of Appeal of Santiago sentenced Miguel Krassnoff, César Manríquez and Pedro Espinoza to 15 years in prison each as perpetrators of qualified kidnapping.

As accomplices in this crime, he sentenced Alejandro Astudillo and Pedro Araneda to 10 years and one day in prison.

Krassnoff received more than a thousand years in prison for numerous human rights violations.

During the Pinochet regime, more than 40,000 cases of crimes against humanity were registered in the country, including 3,200 murders and enforced disappearances. (Spring: Latin Press).