Former actor Guilherme de Pdua, who sat for the murder of actress Daniella Perez, died this Sunday (June 11) in Belo Horizonte. He was 53 years old. The information was conveyed by Pastor Márcio Valado of Lagoinha Baptist Church in a video posted on Instagram. According to the nun, Pdua suffered a heart attack just before 10 p.m.
“I got a call from a sister who was talking about one of our pastors who just passed away. It had a great impact on me because today at 10 a.m. I was leading the service and he was sitting in the first pew with his wife, serving the Lord, singing, praying, praising (…),” he said.
Guilherme de Pdua played the driver Bira in the 1992 soap opera De Corpo e Alma on TV Globo. His character was a romantic couple with Yasmin, played by actress Daniella Perez, daughter of author Glria Perez. During the recordings, Pdua murdered Daniella with the help of his exwife Paula Nogueira Thomaz. Investigations at the time say that Guilherme was unhappy with his role being reduced in the soap opera, while Paula was jealous of Daniella’s scenes with the film actor.
After the couple ambushed the actress at a gas station, they took her into a thicket in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, and stabbed her at least 20 times with a dagger. The crime of December 28, 1992 shook the whole country.

“A boy who society doesn’t understand for committing this horrible crime by Daniela Perez has been arrested, served his sentence and converted. It was a caterpillar and turned into a butterfly. In the house he fell and died. He just died. He just died,” recalls Mrcio Valado.
sentencing and imprisonment
Guilherme de Padua was sentenced to 19 years and 6 months in prison for the murder of Daniella Perez. After serving a third of his sentence, he was released on October 14, 1999. He later joined the Lagoinha Baptist Church where, according to Valado, he did some social work with exconvicts.
“This young man, Guilherme de Pdua, became so well known. He was a TV artist and he did that crap years ago. There is still a very big stigma today. But I had the privilege of living with him. He was with us for many years. After being released from prison, he served his sentence and today has a job as a pastoral counselor for exconvicts.” with IT Manager Paula Maia. The former actor has a son, Felipe Thomaz, from his relationship with Paula Thomaz. When Daniella Perez was killed, the actor’s first wife was four months pregnant.
Apologies to Gloria Perez
In a video posted on August 2 on her official YouTube channel, Pdua tried for the first time to apologize to Daniella, Gloria Perez, and the victim, actor Raul Gazzolla.
Guilherme stated that asking forgiveness for the crime “was his biggest dream” but that he “didn’t know how to do it”. “I thought about looking for the lawyers of Raul Gazella and Gloria Perez. I thought about asking someone to mediate this meeting. I couldn’t think of anything on the internet and through a video. (…) Maybe I will I never have a real opportunity to ask for forgiveness,” he said on the occasion, extending the request to the other family members.
“Brutal Pact: The Murder of Daniella Perez”
The actress’ death came to light with the release of the series Brutal Pact: The Murder of Daniella Perez, which premiered July 21 on HBOMax.
The documentary describes in five episodes the crime that shocked the country, including testimonies, court documents, testimonies.
More than 60 people were interviewed for the series, including several young actors from the 1990s, such as Claudia Raia, Fbio Assuno, Maurcio Mattar, Cristiana Oliveira, Alexandre Frota and Eri Johnson.