Francesco Facchinetti, Two Lives Changed Forever | Exaggerated Emotion Metropolis News

porters-two-lives-changed-metropolinotizie.itFrancesco Facchinetti –

Her life has changed forever and no one expected it. Francesco Facchinetti told everything with exaggerated emotionality.

Francesco Facchinetti changed his career thanks to his sympathy and his charisma from the world of music to the TV presenter.

In addition, today he is also heavily involved at the societal level, both in defense of the environment and of rights, and yes Save on marrying a cause and making it known.

He is also considered a handsome man and has never hidden that he had a problem with accepting hair loss. As a matter of fact, The singer started losing his hair at a young ageHe was only twenty years old and this was an unprecedented problem for him.

In fact, he said: “I started losing her when I was 20 because I inherited my father’s blue eyes, but not the voice and the hair. So I immediately started looking for a solution.”

Francesco Facchinetti’s various attempts at a solution

However, there were many attempted solutions, but they were not very effective and cost him a lot of time and money. He told: “First I tried the auto transplant. In this way I wed six thousand hairs from the nape of the neck to the front. However, this is an operation and ultimately just a movement.

For this reason, one area always remains empty. Immediately afterwards you are very satisfied, but after 5 years you have to have another operation, you are in pain and you have to spend more money. As a second solution, I tried the powder, but it brings with it problems: Get everything dirty from the sheets to the hands of the girls you caress, and then you have to reset it again and again. Finally, I tried the lotions that would encourage hair regrowth.” All have proven ineffective.

porters-two-lives-changed-metropolinotizie.itFrancesco Facchinetti –

Two lives changed: not only that of Francesco Facchinetti

Francesco Facchinetti told of meeting a doctor who had made a skin patch under which the hair can grow back has changed his life. Not only his own, but also that of the doctor who investigated the matter. In fact, he managed to restore his hair, while the doctor received unprecedented publicity, which significantly increased the number of people undergoing this type of aesthetic procedure.

Former DJ Francesco told his followers: “One day life wanted me to meet Fabrizio. He told me his whole story After 20 years of study, he told me how he first made a skin patch This allows the head to breathe and allows hair to grow underneath. So here I am with thicker hair and looking like the Lion King. For the first time I found the solution. And I’m not ashamed to say it I’m happy to tell you because I know how lucky could give you”.

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