Giovanni Floris and Milly Carlucci’s daughter? "Because he invited her to DiMartedì": crazy rumors

Giovanni Floris and Milly Carluccis daughter quotBecause he invited her

Angelica Donati is one of the new faces that landed in On Tuesday and it also ended up in Giuseppe Candela’s column about Dagospia, where we talk about it Giovanni Floris as a talk show talent scout. “Prepared and handsome – we read – Donati is the president of Ance Giovani, but above all is the daughter of Milly Carlucci. Did your mom teach you how to be on video?”.

Oh well, no need to say it: Floris serves the assist and Fornero insults Salvini, hatred is broadcast on La7

Beyond the family relationship with the RAI presenter, Donati seemed prepared for the topics of her expertise. The last speech at DiMartedì focused on some key themesbusiness news, with the President of Ance Giovani, who also broadcasts the voice of the construction sector. “Istat has released its forecasts for this year’s GDP – Floris began – expectations were 2 points higher before the war. This 2.8 percent will only come true on the condition that the war in Ukraine does not last too long and energy prices do not continue to rise”.

But you have to be ashamed of that.  Di Battista makes this gesture in the studio, Sallusti immediately freezes it

“At the moment it isinflation – Donati continued – linked to energy and food in Italy does not seem to stop. With the specter of rising interest rates. Both indebted businesses and families unable to pay their mortgages will get a grip, he said.

The Democratic Party is down for supporting Draghi.  The writer freezes Floris: powerful powers and more, a surprising revelation