Giulia Penna is getting married, with her (mysterious) boyfriend Igor. Mom and Dad cried while testing

Julia PennaThe 31-year-old singer-songwriter and influencer with over a million followers on Instagram has announced she’s ready to do it Marriage with her historical boyfriend, the mysterious Igor, with whom she has been dating for 16 years. The news came with the video clip from “Two Nights in Barcelona” in which the Singer showed some own moments hen partyalso attended by her amazing friends Ludovica Pagani and Alice de Rosa.

The white veil left little room for imagination and then finally came the official announcement: Giulia will marry her in September mysterious fiance. Almost nothing is known about the lucky one, except (perhaps) the name: Igor. The two have been together for 16 years love story It seemed like it started at school and the boy decided never to appear in public and Giulia has always respected his will and never showed it in his Instagram stories or posts.

But the big day is approaching and Giulia Penna has already started trying on the wedding dresses, looking for the right one, which seems to have arrived given the reaction of the singer and her family.

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Giulia Penna is getting married and the dress is adorable

Julia Penna has released a video showing her in the formal and wedding wear atelier of Atelier Eméwhere she really wants to try something wedding dresses And when he found the right thing, which he didn’t show his followers, the parents burst into tears with emotion. Mom and Dad were there tears and overjoyed to see her “little girl” in the white dress she chose for her big day.

Giulia wrote: “Everyone is crying! They say that’s what the right dress feels like. I didn’t believe it, but it’s really true! The joy in my parents’ eyes is indescribable… oh obviously the dress I chose is not the one in the video! I have until September for magnammes, lots of fizz, and then we’ll do the measures a week early.”

Don’t worry Giulia, your fans are sure that you will look beautiful on the most important day of your life and who knows, it might not be the occasion where she can finally reveal itidentity of mysterious fianceNearly Husband! Fans can’t wait.

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