Giulia Stabile, receives a special gift from Belen: the content made everyone ecstatic Youbee Magazine Youbee Magazine

Belen and Giulia Youbee

Giulia Stabile, Sangiovanni’s girlfriend, receives a special cadeau from the gorgeous Belen. Why is?

He did a taster session at the renowned school for a few years Friends of Maria De Filippi, in the edition in which she then triumphed, the dancer never left the stage again. Her success was truly unstoppable and now she is in demand practically everywhere, both in theater and on television.

Popular with the general public, especially young and very young people, he not only impresses at work but also in private life. In fact, she is madly in love with her St. Johnhe met the talented singer-songwriter right at the court of the legendary Queen Mary.

The two not only love each other very much, but also appreciate each other very much, so they support each other in their new professional challenges. Julia has shown his sweetness and innate likeability more than ever, even in the role of the captivating mascot in the latest issue of Tu Si Que Valleys.

Belen’s gift to Giulia

Among other things, it was still rumored in recent months that she could be the one who will take the place of the wonderful ones Belen Rodriguez directing the well-known Saturday evening program on Canale 5. She has an excellent relationship with Argentina and the two have spoken affectionately in a number of interviews.

So the wife of Stephen DeMartino wanted to pay homage to her much younger friend with a most unexpected and remarkable gift. There Stable he liked it very much. Not for nothing has he decided to share with his many admirers on social by publishing a story on his very popular official Instagram profile. the contents of the gift pack just received

Belen and the gift to her friend and colleague Giulia Youbee

Julia’s gesture

Inside we can see different items, mostly colorful, including trousers, jackets, micro tops and sweatshirts, which are part of the Spring-Summer collection of the Hinnominate brand. This is the street couture brand created by the same Belen along with his adored siblings Cecilia and Jeremias.

The watchword of their line is practicality. It is not for nothing that the proposed garments have an extremely sporty cut, without ever losing their elegance. Having initially focused on darker or less gaudy colours, the brand has now changed tack in light of the brighter and warmer months. And the Stablewith his own storyHe has shown that he fully appreciates her.