“Goodbye” Alessandra Canale, there was nothing to do: they tried everything | he did not make it

Alessandra Canale, the farewell is final. This time no one managed to convince them: below are the details

Alessandra Canale is one of the historic faces of Rai, who for years announced the programs broadcast on state television. Her name is Alessandra Pimpinella and she found success in the early 1980s when she competed in Miss Italy. Even if he doesn't win, he manages to take advantage of this important opportunity to establish himself on the Italian television scene.

At the same time, he does not give up on his academic path and obtains a degree in letters and in Law at La Sapienza in Rome. It will be 1989 Publicist journalist registered with the Order of Lazio.

He rose to fame in 1983 when he got the job TV announcer of daily programs. Her education and bright smile have made her one of the icons of state television. Alessandra is popular with the general public and has been playing her role for over twenty years.

However, the contract ended in 2003 Rai decides to eliminate finally the role of the announcer. Alessandra Canale's final episode is memorable, where she gets emotional as she says her final goodbye and confesses, “I love you all.”

Alessandra Canale, the change of direction

Alessandra Canale was one of the regular participants in the Rai program and one of the first to take on the role of television announcer. For 20 years she performed this role so professionally and with dedication that she was popular throughout Italy.

In 2003, she had to leave this position due to a decision by Rai's top management and Alessandra founded one Litigation to state television. After an initial appeal, Canale was reinstated into her role from 2013 to 2016, after which she was stripped of the announcer role entirely.

Alessandra CanaleAlessandra Canale, final farewell – Instagram credit “alessandracanaleofficial” – Trendsediviaggio.it

Alessandra Canale, the farewell is final

The end of her career as a television announcer caused great suffering for Alessandra Canale, who carried out this role with dedication for twenty years. Many fans have been wondering what this is Fate of the former announcer, But few people know that Alessandra did not stop working.

The historic face of Italian television continued his collaboration with Rai Public Utilities, that is, the means that allow information to be disseminated even to the part of the population that does not use the Internet, thus promoting inclusion. Alessandra presented various programs such as “Onda Verde”, “Rai Mobilità” and “SeraeMeteo Europa”. Despite the end of his career on the small screen, Canale is not never been forgotten and is very active on her social accounts, where she shares photos and videos with her followers.

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