Google Maps satellite imagery shows details of Russian bases


Image: Google Maps / Reproduction

Scenes of Russian troop movements and the destruction wrought during the invasion of Ukraine circulate daily on TV and social media. But besides these images, it is also possible to get a detailed view of Russian military bases using Google Maps.

Normally, Google Maps does not show military areas of countries. In these places, areas are blurry or of lower quality just like people’s faces.

However, last Monday (18th), users noticed that satellite images of Russian bases appeared in excellent quality. This allowed details of Russian military ships and aircraft to be seen.

On Twitter, the Ukrainian armed forces commented on the matter and even posted four pictures of Russian bases.

Тепер кожен може побачити різноманітні російські пускові установки, шахти міжконтинентальних балістичних ракет, командні пункти та секретні полігони з роздільною здатністю близько до 0.5 метра на піксель.

— Armed Forces 🇺🇦 (@ArmedForcesUkr) April 18, 2022

“Now everyone can see a multitude of Russian launch vehicles, ICBMs, command posts and secret dumps with a resolution of about 0.5 meters per pixel,” the site reads.

Google Maps claimed that there have never been any blurry images of Russian bases. “We have not made any blurring changes to our satellite imagery in Russia,” the company said in a tweet.

In addition to Russia, Google’s satellite also shows military installations in other countries, such as the USA, in detail.

To see Russian military bases, just go to Google Maps on your smartphone, PC or notebook and type in the name of the base you are looking for. Then just click Satellite at the bottom of the screen. Ready. Now simply enlarge the image with the zoom function to find details.