Great Mission Viva Venezuela: What is this new program that Nicolás Maduro presents?

As part of the Nicolás Maduro regime's countless social programs, the Great Mission Viva Venezuela was launched. The Executive Cabinet of the Venezuelan Government approved on Friday February 16 the introduction of this plan, which will only focus on a very small part of the population. The ceremony and show announcing this new social assistance took place at the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas.

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What is the Great Mission Viva Venezuela?

This Great Mission can also be classified as an extension of the Cultura Corazón Adentro Mission that Hugo Chávez launched more than a decade ago. In this sense, the Ministry of People's Power of Communications and Information reported on its website that its purpose is to do so “The rescue, preservation and dissemination of the traditional values ​​of Venezuela is the premise with which the Great Mission Viva Venezuela was launched, a program aimed at promoting popular music, songs, rhythms and dances of the country.”

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What are the 8 cornerstones of the Great Mission Viva Venezuela?

Official media of the Ministry of People's Power of Communications and Information provides more details about the Great Mission Viva Venezuela:

  • Venezuelan cultures on the move. Register and participate in the culture!
  • Economics for cultures. Produce for culture!
  • Education for the cultures of Venezuela. Train yourself in culture!
  • More infrastructure for culture. Viva Venezuela House Network
  • Cultures of Venezuela for the whole world. Culture without borders!
  • Recognition and social security system for cultivators and cultures. Applause and a dignified life!
  • More cultural heritage. Firm and growing roots!
  • Cultures in constant communication. Let's make culture viral!

Great Mission Viva Venezuela: What is this new program that Nicolás Maduro presents?  |  Mission Viva Venezuela, my beloved homeland |  NEW home bonus |  Great Mission to Todo Vida Venezuela |  Mission Viva Venezuela Program |  Great Mission CensusImage with which he communicated through the 8 corner points in Nicolás Maduro's X account. Photo: Nicolas Maduro/X

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Great Mission Viva Venezuela 2024: Who will benefit from this program?

The president of the Caribbean country pointed out that this plan is aimed at the so-called popular cultists, that is, the artists duly registered with the Ministry of People's Power for Culture, and that registration will begin on March 2. “I call on all musical and cultural groups, musicians, performers, composers, singers, dancers, choreographers, instrument makers, cultural bearers and researchers of our culture to have a great Census Day.”said Nicolas Maduro.

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