Greta Thunberg: “Ready to pass the megaphone to others” Economy

Four years after launching her School Climate Strike, Swedish activist Greta Thunberg is ready to pass the baton to those on the front lines of climate change, she said in an interview today. “We should also listen to the stories and experiences of those most affected by the climate crisis. It’s time to deliver the megaphone to those who really have stories to tell,” he told Swedish news agency TT. After Greta Thunberg has urged the public to “listen to science” in recent years, Greta Thunberg said the world now needs “new perspectives”.

Over the past four years, the lone strike Greta led in front of the Swedish parliament has grown into a huge global movement involving millions of young people, sparking a wide debate about the dangers of climate change. But over time, she said, she understood that the climate crisis was already having a devastating impact on people’s lives. “That’s why it becomes even more hypocritical when people say, for example in Sweden, that we have time to adapt and that we don’t have to worry about what will happen in the future,” he said.

Thunberg, now 19, had previously said he would skip the COP27 talks in Sharm El-Sheikh, which begin today, calling them a forum for “greenwashing”. She told TT that her conversations with world leaders made her pessimistic about her ability to make progress on the climate issue. Thunberg is in her final year of high school in Stockholm and said she hasn’t decided what she will do after high school. “We’ll see. If I had to decide today, I would continue my studies. Preferably something that has to do with social problems.”



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