Gunshots followed by police chase on North Shore: Two Ontario residents face multiple charges

Two Ontario residents were charged Saturday after police conducted a chase after shots were fired at a home in Lorraine in the Laurentians.

Da Vonte Allen, 27, and Lesmar Raymond Leslie, 25, appeared Saturday evening after being arrested in Laval the same day.

The pair face charges of theft, break and break, escape and dangerous driving after they allegedly opened fire on a home on the Moselle coast in Lorraine at around 1.15am.

When police located them on Chomedey Boulevard in Laval, the suspects fled before stopping the vehicle and fleeing on foot.

The affidavit obtained by The Journal suggests that Lesmar Raymond Leslie was behind the wheel and Da Vonte Allen was a passenger.

They were in a vehicle that had been reported stolen in Ontario, Laval police said Saturday.

The two Ontarians are currently in custody. According to the Journal's research, they have no criminal history in Quebec. However, we were unable to verify whether they had a history outside the province, such as in Ontario.

A report must be prepared on the firearm seized during the police operation.

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