Headless baby found on the beach: more than 15 days in the water, 6 month old girl… what the autopsy revealed

This Tuesday, July 11, at dawn, the body of a headless baby was found on Roda de Berà beach, between Barcelona and Tarragona, in Catalonia. The results of a first autopsy have been published.

The lifeguard who found it initially thought it was a doll. He finally realized it was a headless baby. We know a little more about the macabre discovery made on Roda de Berà beach in Catalonia last Tuesday.

The child’s body was found in an advanced state of decomposition and was autopsied. While authorities initially believed he was between 2 and 3 years old, this investigation revealed the baby was only 6 months old.

According to local media El Periodico, quoted by our colleagues at The Independent, it’s a girl.

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Investigations also revealed that she had been in the water for an extended period of time, ranging from “15 days to two months” according to the autopsy.

It is currently unknown whether the child’s death was of criminal or accidental origin. The hypothesis that the girl is one of the victims of one of the recent shipwrecks of a refugee boat in the Mediterranean Sea is not ruled out by investigators.

The latter must also study the ocean currents of recent months to find an explanation for this macabre discovery. DNA tests must also be carried out to determine the baby’s ethnic origin.