“I will be 100%”; Bake Off Brasil’s Olivier Anquier Returns to Social Media After Serious Accident and Provides Health Update

TV and Celebrities

Olivier Anquier is a judge at Bake Off Brasil and had an accident at a motorcycle rally

Olivier Anquier is a judge at Bake Off Brasil© Playback/Instagram/@olivieranquierOlivier Anquier is a judge at Bake Off Brasil

Oliver Anquier had such an accident in Rally dos Sertoes last year. The event had serious consequences for the confectioner’s health, and he began to believe that he would lose mobility in his arms and hands.

This Friday (24th) the jury of Bake Off Brazil took to social media to provide a final update on his current health status. In the caption, the chef thanked for the messages of support and said he could be 100% healthy in up to five months.

“Another very important step towards a full recovery. The fall happened on September 4th in the middle of the desert jalapão 4 km away from urgent refueling, having already completed 400 km special in a Sertões rally test of more than 500 km,” he said.

“In the beginning he said he had six months to see the development and make the decision to do one surgery. We are now 5 months and 2 weeks old and what I recovered from the surgery would not have reached that level of recovery. The damage was very bad, tearing and crushing the nerve ending of the brachial plexus. Had no nerves totally broken but almost. Only the thread of the tail remained and from this very tenuous connection mitigated with a little with a lot of physical therapy with my beloved torturers Alda, Daeine and Carol willpower and lots of support from family and friends, today I’m incredibly like that. In 5 months I will be 100%,” he concluded.

Victor Tobias

23 years old, from Brasilia, lover of literature, entertainment, music and Beyoncé fan. He worked as an author in this segment for three years, contributing to communication vehicles in the capital.