In Italy, the horrific death of 17 year old Michelle rocks the country

Jeanne Le Borgne 06/30/2023 at 14:57

The violent death of Michelle, a 17-year-old young woman found in a rubbish bag in Rome, has moved Italy. Especially since the reasons for this crime seem anecdotal …

It is a drama that tears the hearts of Italians. On Wednesday, June 28, Michelle, a 17-year-old young woman, was stabbed six times by a companion while she was at her apartment in Rome’s popular Primavalle district.

His alleged killer then wrapped his body in a black plastic bag and transported it in a cart alongside garbage cans. He will even say to a passer-by, stunned by the scene, that he was transporting fish.

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According to Rai News, the young man still had the victim’s blood on his shoes when he was arrested.

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A debt of around forty euros

According to the Italian press, the investigators initially investigated the thesis that the victim was pregnant, but the analyzes carried out on Michelle directly rejected this lead.

The boy would have said in police custody that he wanted the money he loaned Michelle back…about forty euros. Michelle’s relatives wonder if the boy wasn’t in love with her and jealous of her relationship with her fiancé.

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A story that shocks the whole neighborhood. Largely because Michelle was a “brilliant” young girl, “invested in community life” and had a passion for singing, especially rap. A torchlight procession is organized to commemorate him.