Indiana Named to “America’s 10 Worst States to Live and Work” – WISH TV Indianapolis, IN

INDIANAPOLIS (WUNSCH) – Indiana was named to the list of “The 10 Worst States in America to Live and Work in.”

Indiana was named the seventh worst state to live and work in by CNBC’s annual magazine list. The article added, “With fewer than 10 licensed child care facilities per 100,000 residents, the Hoosier State makes it difficult for some families to fully participate in the labor market.” It’s the second-worst score in the state (behind Louisiana), according to advocacy group Child Care Aware. Protection against discrimination under state law is also limited.”

Qualifying criteria for the list include life factors (e.g. crime rates, environmental quality and health care), inclusivity, voting rights, reproductive rights, protection from discrimination, and the quality and availability of childcare.

Indiana received a Life, Health and Inclusion Score of 113 out of 350 from CNBC, which equates to a D- on their scale. Indiana ranked 8th in 2022 listand received 102 out of 325 points, which corresponds to an F.

Indiana’s crime rate was listed as a strength. Childcare and inclusion were identified as weaknesses. Inclusivity was included as a weakness for Indiana in the 2022 and 2023 list.

Florida, Arkansas, and Tennessee were ranked 10th, 9th, and 8th as “better” states. The states ranked “worse” than Indiana were Missouri at 6th, Alabama and South Carolina at 4th, Louisiana at 3rd, Oklahoma at 2nd, and Texas at first .

CNBC also published one list of “America’s 10 Best States to Live and Work In.” This list includes Connecticut at No. 10, Massachusetts and Colorado at No. 8, Washington at No. 7, Oregon at No. 6, Hawaii at No. 5, and Minnesota at No 4th, New Jersey 3rd, Maine 2nd and Vermont 1st.