Indigo: What does Evaluna and Camilo’s daughter’s name mean? – entertainment

Indigo, that’s what Camilo and Evaluna Montaner decided to name their newborn daughter.

The baby is then Indigo Echeverry Montaner and will have American citizenship. His father, singer-songwriter Camilo, has not yet spoken out about wanting Colombian citizenship.

This word derives from the Latin indĭcum, according to the Royal Academy of Language, meaning that it comes “from India” because from there was brought a coloring substance between blue and violet, in which the latter predominated, and that served to color and dye

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Indigo is a shrub with “a straight stem, compound leaves, reddish flowers grouped in clusters or spikes, and fruit in a convex sheath with glossy grains, brownish, greenish, or gray in color and very hard,” some documents state .

For their part, the believers of the new age affirm that this is a high level of evolution.

However, the couple said they liked the name because it originated in India and because it worked for both genders.

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“Indigo looks good on a boy or a girl […] We don’t want to know what it is until it’s born,” Evaluna said in an interview.

For his part, Camilo commented, “The sound is oof,” adding that he liked it when he was in India because of the mystique of that country.