Inflation and cost of living: Women feel the financial pressure more

According to a recent BMO survey, Canadian women are more concerned than men about the financial pressures caused by the rising cost of living and inflation, sometimes affecting their financial security.

63% of women are worried about inflation and 66% are worried about the rising cost of living. These values ​​are higher than among men, where 51% and 54% of them feel this pressure, respectively.

Canadian women's concerns have increased particularly in the last three months (43%), which is 8% more than men.

“While women have made significant progress in the workforce and the economy, their financial security and ability to build long-term wealth are being compromised as they continue to be disproportionately affected by economic conditions. economical,” said Gayle Ramsay, head of day-to-day banking. Segments, Customer Growth, BMO on Wednesday.

On this topic, 63% of women surveyed believe they have enough savings to deal with urgent situations, compared to 69% of men.

They are also 7% less likely than men to have created an annual household budget and 4% less likely to have a written financial plan.

The survey was conducted by Ipsos from January 2-19, 2024, among 2,500 Canadians aged 18 and over.