Is sitting crosslegged harmful to you? See what the experts say!

Reading time: 2 minutes

Are you a person who likes to sit crosslegged? Probably yes, as did 81% of respondents to an Instagram poll. Our favorite position is crossing one leg above the knee or sometimes crossing the legs at the ankles, but we always wonder if these positions are harmful to our bodies.

So is it them? Shouldn’t we be sitting crosslegged? That’s what the experts say.

What do the experts say?

First, sitting in any position for too long can be harmful because our bodies aren’t designed to sit still for long periods of time, says Tara Jo Manal, DPT, vice president for scientific affairs for the American Physical Therapy Association.

According to Paul Ritchey, DrPH, a boardcertified professional ergonomist, there are some risks associated with sitting crosslegged. However, this position is not particularly problematic if it is only used for a short time.

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When can it be harmful?

However, crossing your legs at the knees or crossing your ankle over the knee for an extended period of time has been associated with transient increases in blood pressure, poor posture and chronic musculoskeletal pain, says Max A. Fitzgerald, MD, assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

This can cause pelvic tilt and, over time, potentially cause lower back pain and even spinal misalignment. Muscle tension and pain can also occur.

In general, crossing your legs at the ankles is slightly more supportive than crossing your knees or placing your ankle over your knee because it puts less stress on your hips and pelvis. However, it is still not considered the ideal sitting position.

Jennifer Heberton, PT, a physical therapist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, warns that people with hip problems like osteoarthritis or femoroacetabular impingement can experience joint compression, inflammation, and pain when sitting crosslegged.

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What about the lotus position?

This is a controversial topic. Meditation is considered beneficial for mental and even physical health, but the lotus position can put a strain on your knees, says Max.

For a healthy and flexible person, it may be acceptable to spend a short amount of time in the lotus position during meditation or yoga. However, a correspondingly large amount of time must be spent on stretching the hip muscles and strengthening the thigh muscles. However, if you’ve had knee problems in the past, it’s best to find a different, modified position.

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