Isabel Coixet: “I admire Sánchez’ maneuverability. I would have been a great Formula 1 driver, or an eel.”

Isabel Coixet I admire Sanchez maneuverability I would have been

Isabel Coixet is a pioneer. With her cinema, she set the course for aesthetics and ethics and is the benchmark for a new generation of current female directors. His keen eye serves to unwind this campaign and observe the characters who play the main roles in it. He’s just filmed Un amor, based on the novel by Sara Mesa, and yes, he has his passions and his warnings, but above all he has more than keen common sense and artistic and political flair.

Questions. If you were President of the Government, what would you do to prevent it from snowing in Benidorm like in your film?

Answer. First: fewer politicians in politics and more female film production managers. I often think about it: the production structure of a film would work to organize things well.

Q It seems words do indeed have a secret life in polarized politics… Only populist trollies can be heard.

R You have to listen more to Leonard Cohen or Nina Simone or even Kylie Minogue and less to what’s going through the networks, who knows where it’s coming from.

Q Will the folks at Vox know there was a man named Berlanga no matter how hard they try to censor movies?

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R When they come to power, I envision a re-education camp à la Clockwork Orange but with Berlanga films. Although the cafrerío is also possible.

Q So what is the film of independence?

R Lost in La Mancha: second part.

Q In the previous part you had a hard time, did you feel something like the tow of the outlaws?

R. As Camilo Sesto, who is sadly no longer with us, would say, I have to respond with one of his favorite songs: “It’s better not to say anything when there’s nothing to say.”

Q He just shot Un amor. If you were the governor and only had to choose one, who would it be?

R This is a treasure for the dog in the film: his name is Flor, he is intersex and his character is called Sieso.

Q Things I Never Told You was his first film. Don’t refrain from saying something to Pedro Sánchez here.

R If I admire his manoeuvrability, he would have been a great Formula 1 driver; or an eel.

Q And now to Feijóo…

R I think he really enjoyed commanding the Xunta. It’s very hot in Madrid and there are no scallops like in O Grove.

Q To Abascal, better not, I know what he’s thinking. Try it.

R. Well, I’d say, “Relax man, for God’s sake. And don’t enjoy being scared so much, it’s very noticeable.

Q Will Yolanda Díaz overcome the skirmish on the left ahead of the elections?

R. Anything could be. Despite my sympathy for Yolanda Díaz, the idea of ​​universal inheritance strikes me as absolutely disastrous. If there is one group that these 20,000 euros can do more harm than good, it is young people. Neither the state nor the government can be generous mothers or fathers. Controlled rents, access to quality education, scholarships, entrepreneurship support – there are thousands of things that give life a boost, but cash…?

Q For you, who is an esthete, what is the line that separates the ridiculous from the permissible in a campaign film?

R Definitely ban Virginia Woolf.

P. How do you explain the contradiction that the ultras want to occupy culture in institutions in order to destroy it and that Miquel Iceta’s ministry has done little more than use it as a vase?

R Let’s face it: politicians around the world – except for the French, who have it in their DNA – will never be the defenders of culture. The only thing we need is that they respect it, even if it doesn’t come or go. But I like Iceta, he seems to be a hardworking politician full of common sense… And we don’t have that much of that.

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