Israel Palestine: Who supports whom, who is the enemy of whom? The complex mosaic of diplomatic relations in the Middle East

The Hamas terrorist attack on October 7th put the eastern Mediterranean in the spotlight again. The forces at work here are very numerous and even if we have retained only a dozen of them (i.e. a total of 78 “pairs”), it is necessary to characterize what connects them and what separates them.

Between state actors, movements, terrorist organizations, the first funding the second or third, the political situation and alliances in the Middle East or in the Middle East can sometimes be difficult to grasp.

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This “mosaic” schematically represents the relationships between the actors in the Middle East. These are listed in the order of their involvement in the current conflict.

The striped rectangles are the ones you can select to show context.

War in Ukraine Russia controls only 16 of Ukrainian territory.svg

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