June 29 episode of The Promise Anticipation: Manuel isn’t there!

June 29 episode of The Promise Anticipation: Manuel isn't there!

Let’s discover together the preview of La Promessa, a soap opera that will be broadcast on Canale 5 from Monday to Friday: here are the recaps of the episode that will be broadcast tomorrow, Thursday, June 29, 2023.

In the’Consequence en The promise From Thursday 29 June 2023The situation is getting more and more complicated. Alonso will tell Manuel that he has to marry Jimena, but he will refuse. Meanwhile, Romulo apologizes to Maria but warns her not to ask questions. But what they reveal in detail, we want to find out together progress of the bet which is broadcast Morning at 2:45 p.m At channel 5.

The Promise Advances: Cruel Cruz

Manuel has decided to take part in the flight competition and thanks to Jana’s help he succeeds in his project. His parents don’t know where he is and Cruz questions Petra, who, however, replies that she is not sure whether the young de lujan went to the competition. The woman’s reaction is terrible: he takes the maid’s hand and burns it with a candle. Afterward, Manuel comes back late at night and Alonso he catches him in the act and angrily scolds him. However, the boy does not suspect the worst …

The promise goes ahead: Manuel does not want to get married

The de Lujans have decided to marry Jimena, Tomas’ widow, to Manuel. This is the bond established by the dukes de Los Infantes to leave them their daughter’s dowry. Alonso, the day after Manuel he returns home, reveals the decision made to his son, but Manuel does not want to bow to the family’s decisions and refuses. In the meantime, Cruz finds out that the Duke of Aguinaga started the rumor that the de Lujans lost everything: He must find a way to stop rumors from spreading…

Is Maria threatening in the June 29 episode?

Lope tries to understand what is happening to Mauro: She sees him distracted, far away. The man reveals that he has some problems with it There is awho he actually broke up with after she found out he cheated on her Leonor. Romulo searches for Maria and apologizes for his behavior and how he treated her when she asked questions about it However, Curro also warns her: she must stop asking certain questions or she risks losing her job.

The promisethe Spanish soap opera, airs Monday through Friday 2:45 p.m. on Channel 5.