
M. De Chalvron, F. Le Moal, C. Kenck, P. Miette, A. Demchuk – France 2
After Kharkov (Ukraine) it may be Kyiv’s turn to suffer attacks by the Russian army. A giant army is indeed about twenty kilometers from the city center, on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital. Residents are preparing for resistance and even for a city guerrilla war.
Residents of the Kyiv district (Ukraine) are armed and control the entrances and exits. They were there when the rocket exploded just 300 meters away, aimed at a large TV antenna. “We are here to defend our city and our country. Our families live here, we know all the risks we take. ”trusts one of them. “I bring civilians to shelters in case of air alarm”explains another Ukrainian with a Kalashnikov in hand.
It’s just starting to sound like a siren. “Come on, we’re going to the shelter, here we are.” Since the beginning of the war, a woman and her one-year-old child have been hiding there. “Of course we’re afraid of these sirens, all the time.”, she says. This neighborhood is no exception in Kyiv. An impressive number of civilians want to contribute, while the Russian army is only about thirty kilometers from the Ukrainian capital.