“La Casa de los Famosos” Season 4 Vote for the Official Rules of the Leader’s Companion

For English rules click here

Viewers should note that the following rules and procedures are subject to change at the sole discretion of Telemundo Network Group, LLC (“Producer”).


On Tuesdays, viewers can vote for the candidate who will accompany the leader of the week in the Leader Suite (“Accompaniment of the Leader”) on the program “La Casa De Los Famosos” (“Program”). The voting period is described in the following sections (see “When to vote”). There is one (1) voting method to cast your vote(s) for the Program, as described below.


Any person within the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico with a unique identifier during the election period (see “WHEN TO VOTE” section).


ONLINE VOTING (“Online Voting”). For the Program, online voting is available online and on the mobile web with a valid unique identifier at Telemundo.com/LaCasaDeLosFamosos.

During the voting period (see “WHEN TO VOTE”), go to Telemundo.com/LaCasaDeLosFamosos (desktop or mobile), click “VOTE” and follow the links to vote and cast your vote using your valid unique identifier. During the Program Voting Period, there is a limit of one (1) vote per day during the voting window within the Voting Period. Any attempt to exceed the number of votes allocated per unique identifier will not be counted. Once you have taken the appropriate steps to vote, you will be presented with a confirmation page.

If you need help voting online, email [email protected]. Producer reserves the right to disqualify, block or delete any vote by any electronic, mechanical or automated means or by any person who tampers with or impedes the voting process as set forth herein. Rules and procedures are subject to change at the sole discretion of Producer.


Standard internet access fees apply for online voting. If you navigate to the online voting site or via mobile phone, data charges may apply.


Voting for the Leader Companion is only open on Tuesdays from Tuesday, March 5, 2024 to Tuesday, May 14, 2024, subject to change at the discretion of the Producer (“Voting Period”), including without limitation during the Voting Window. Poll.

During the Leader Companion Voting Period, fans may vote between approximately 9:20 p.m. ET and approximately 9:50 p.m. ET each Tuesday following the announcement of the Leader of the Week on the show (a “Voting Window”), subject to change at the sole discretion of the producers.

Rules and procedures are subject to change at the sole discretion of Producer and without notice.


Voting results for Leader's Companion will be announced during the program. You can find the program times in the local listings.


Telemundo Network Group, LLC and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and individuals (collectively, the “Administrators”) assume no liability for lost, incomplete, late, corrupted, misdirected or incomplete text messages; difficulties, failures or malfunctions of telephones (including headsets/cordless telephones), telephone lines or telephone systems or other communications failures; cell towers, telephone systems or wireless services; Networks or servers disrupted or unavailable; lack of communication, computer hardware or software failures or other technical failures; garbled, lost, misdirected or confused transmissions; any errors, omissions, interruptions, defects or delays in transmission or communication; Traffic congestion or technical problems that may cause voting to be interrupted or affected. If for any reason the voting cannot be carried out as planned or if there is infection due to a computer virus, bug, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or technical failure, or if any other reason beyond the control of the Administrators, damaged or corrupted will impact the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of that vote, the Administrators reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to withdraw the broadcast of a vote. In addition, Administrators may permanently exclude from promotion any person they believe has willfully violated these Rules and may terminate or suspend voting at any time, as well as announce the results of voting based on votes taken up to that point , provided that the voting process was corrupted by hacker access or other interference, which meant that the results did not reflect the actually valid votes when voting continued. In the event of technical difficulties with online voting, the Administrators reserve the right to review votes for accuracy and take appropriate action, including, but not limited to, invalidating votes cast during the period in which they occurred . Such technical difficulties. The Administrators and their respective agents, officers, directors, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates assume no liability for any injury or damage to the computer of any participant or other person associated with participating or downloading any materials or software in connection with this vote are related to or arise from it. The Administrators are not responsible for any electronic, technical, computer or telecommunications or network failures of any kind, for inaccurate transmission of voting information, errors in advertising or marketing materials, for human or electronic error, or votes stolen or misdirected, garbled, delayed by computer transmissions, lost or delayed. By participating, each person agrees to release and hold harmless the Administrators from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from such person's participation in the voting. Administrators will, where possible, take reasonable measures to prevent voting outside the geographical area. However, some votes may be deemed to have been cast outside the geographical area and such person waives any claim that person may have against the Administrators as a result of the inclusion of such votes.

Additionally, fans will be able to vote for a candidate who does not wish to accompany the leader in the leader's suite. It is also possible that the leader does not want the fan-voted participant to accompany him/her in the leader's suite.

These rules are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the Administrators. Any notice related to this change will be posted on Telemundo.com/LaCasaDeLosFamosos

Attention: Any attempt by a participant or other person to intentionally damage an Internet service or website, manipulate the voting process, or otherwise undermine the legitimate operation of voting is a violation of criminal and civil law. If such Attempt is made, the Administrators reserve the right to sue for damages and/or seek other remedies against such person to the fullest extent permitted by law.


By voting, you agree that you will not use unofficial third-party services to vote on your behalf. The Administrators reserve the right to disqualify, block or delete the vote of any person who votes by electronic, mechanical or automated means or otherwise tampers with the voting process, or for any other reason as the Administrators determine sole discretion.

The Administrators are not liable for any damage to voters' devices that may occur as a result of using the Service. The Administrators reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the Voting Service for any reason and at their sole discretion without notice.

The Administrators reserve the right to change the Program's Contest or Voting Rules, the Official Voting Rules, and the terms of this voting process at any time in their sole discretion.

The prize awarded to the winner of the on-air program is subject to the terms and conditions, rules and qualifications of the relevant program.