Larissa Manoela It is Andre Luiz Frambach They moved and surprised netizens by revealing that they are married. The actors shared the news on Monday, December 18, a day after the ceremony. Camille Frambachthe groom's sister, took to social media to speak out about the issue and made no secret of how emotional she was.
“Help, my younger brother got married, okay! What if you weren't prepared? Imagine me! I just cried! Your happiness is the most beautiful thing in this world! Enjoy each other, love each other, respect each other and always remain partners as you are. I love you! And I officially got a little sister,” he wrote Camille.
Please note that Larissa It is Andrew They released photos of the ceremony to everyone's surprise. They were engaged but did not reveal their wedding date. The couple opted for an intimate celebration with a few guests. Since the relationship with her parents was broken, the actress actually went to the altar alone.
Story by Camille Frambach Reproduction/Instagram
Photo: Marcia Piovesan
Story by Camille Frambach Reproduction/Instagram