Lebanon: People’s desperation in the face of an endless economic crisis

Posted on 03/18/2023 20:50

Video length: 5 mins

Lebanon: the desperation of the population in the face of an endless economic crisis

France 2 articles written byWar in Ukraine International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for

M. Boisseau, L. Krikorian, B. Mingot, A. Tranchant – France 2

France TV

The Lebanese have been facing a severe economic crisis for several years. Hunger affects a large part of the country. In desperation, many of them decide to leave their country, but often fail to do so.

To understand the extent of the Lebanese economic catastrophe, you have to listen to the desperation of the residents. It has never been so deep, even during the long years of war that ravaged the country between 1975 and 1990. Despite his job as a boat driver, 26-year-old Ibrahim lives on less than 30 euros a month. Last spring he tried to get to Italy illegally with five family members. “My mother told me that if we had the opportunity to leave, we would. She heard that at least in every country in Europe we were treated as human beings,” he explains.

Without money or passport

With no money or passport for a visa, the family boarded an overloaded boat. She sank, Ibrahim said, when the Lebanese Coast Guard tried to stop her. His two sisters have since disappeared. But Ibrahim is determined to leave to escape poverty.

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