Luiza Brunet comments on the affair with the STF Minister: “It was nothing more than a rumor”

Luiz Fux and Luiza Brunet (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

A few months ago, rumors about an alleged courtship between Luiza Brunet and Luiz Fux, Minister of the Federal Court of Justice, spread on the internet and in the press. In an interview given to Jornal O Globo this Sunday (22/05), she commented on the matter and denied having anything to do with the judge.

“It doesn’t exist, it was just a rumor,” the actress and model summed up. Information about the affair between the minister and the actress first appeared in a column by Leo Dias from Metrpoles. Leo wrote at the time that an STF minister was in a relationship with “one of the biggest icons of the 80’s”.

However, the columnist was careful not to name names. However, netizens connected the dots, reaching Fux and Luiza Brunet. The reason? The longstanding friendship between the two, reports Lo Dias himself, alongside work.

In June, Yasmin Brunet’s mother was invited to join the judiciary’s Human Rights Observatory. Who was there when you shared a photo of yourself at the National Judicial Council? Himself, Luiz Fux.

Leo Dias reported at the time that the two, Luiza and the minister, spent the October 12 holiday in a luxury hotel and the story was already circulating through the corridors of Brasilia. Both the actress and former model, as well as the judge, are known for maintaining discretion when it comes to their personal lives.

Another columnist for Metrpoles, Guilherme Amado, from the political section, reported that his colleagues at the STF were amused by the news’s resonance. According to him, one of the ministers commented via WhatsApp: “Now I understand his good mood.”