Lünen: Suspected child pornography! Deputy mayor arrested | Regional IMAGE

Lunen (NRW) – Serious allegations against the deputy mayor of Lünen (Unna district): Child pornographic material was allegedly found on Daniel Wolski (41). He also allegedly paid for sex with minors.

The SPD politician was arrested by police officers on Thursday. In the afternoon, he was taken before a judge in Bochum – she ordered preventive detention. The Bochum Public Prosecutor’s Office is not yet available for comment.

▶︎ According to information from BILD, the politician, who lives alone, is accused of having made contact with young people via the Internet with sexual intentions. Some are said to be under 18. According to the investigation, intimate encounters and the sending of prohibited photos also occurred.

These are several acts that would have occurred in the last five years.

Dr. Arabella Pooth (40) represents Daniel Wolski. She was surprised by the arrest on Tuesday and says: “We cannot comment at this time. We request access to the files.”

Lünen Mayor Jürgen Kleine-Frauns (56, independent) is dismayed. “Without exception, I condemn all forms of sexual abuse. I learned about the arrest of the first deputy mayor of our city through the media. Suspicion affects me a lot. I hope the investigation is completed quickly,” the local politician told BILD.

And the SPD in Lünen is also “shocked by the serious allegations that are being made”. Now the investigating authorities are invited to get to the bottom of the matter. Daniel Wolski is expected to cooperate fully with investigative authorities. “If the allegations are confirmed, Daniel Wolski will have no place in the ranks of the Social Democrats,” he says.

Anonymous and free advice

Do you suspect that a child in your environment is being mistreated or abused? Did you see something that concerns you? You can then contact the “Sexual Abuse Helpline” (anonymously): 0800 22 55 530.

Children and young people who have suffered abuse You can get support from Monday to Saturday, from 2pm to 8pm, by calling the bereavement number 116 111. There is also the option to speak to consultants on the website.

Anyone who feels they have pedophilic tendencies finds contacts in the “Don’t Become a Perpetrator” project at the Berlin Charité. There is free information on the website and by calling 030 450 529 450. Medical confidentiality applies.