Macron accepts Corsica’s autonomy

During a visit to Corsica, Emmanuel Macron spoke out in favor of the island’s autonomy. What exactly does he mean by an autonomous Corsica? It’s still a mystery.

Talks have been underway for 18 months with the leaders of Corsica, who have been predominantly nationalist elected officials over the past eight years. The French government has given itself another six months to draft a text that could be incorporated into the French constitution.

The example of an agreement that comes closest to mind is that of French Polynesia. This French overseas territory is financed by France but is autonomous in several areas, such as education.

Specific problems

However, Corsica poses some specific problems.

What significance would the Corsican language have, for example? Some Corsican nationalists dream that this language would replace French, but such a reform seems doubtful and would probably be poorly received in any case by the majority of the 340,000-strong territory. However, teaching could be strengthened.

The Corsican mafia exerts widespread influence throughout the island. The nationalist leaders stipulated that under no circumstances should an autonomous status for Corsica lead to mafia drift.

The core of the autonomous question lies in the island’s finances. To what extent would Paris allow the Corsicans to collect and dispose of their own taxes?

Open door

On the French side, Corsica’s greater autonomy opens the door to other autonomous demands, particularly in Brittany and Catalonia.

Although the autonomous movements in these regions are much less strong than in Corsica, they are still supported by the logic of European integration.

In fact, supporters of regional autonomy know that once they are autonomous, it would be difficult for the French government to isolate them from the European market.

This trail of autonomous demands could also have an impact on other countries in the European Union.

This possible insertion of federalism into France’s extremely centralized constitution is therefore being watched with interest and concern.

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