Maduro supporters are trying to stop the event of an opposition candidate in Venezuela

Venezuelan presidential candidate María Corina Machado

Venezuelan presidential candidate Maria Corina MachadoFavorite in opposition polls, denounced this Saturday 15th People with ties to President Nicolás Maduro tried to use sticks and jabs to block a campaign rally in Petare, a key neighborhood in Caracas. According to images released by local media, supporters of the former congressman, who could potentially be Maduro’s opponent in the 2024 presidential election, arrived early to prepare for the event but were harassed by individuals, some in red (Chavismo’s traditional color). , carrying sticks. When Machado, a radical opposition figure, arrived, harassment intensified as attempts were made to attack her while her supporters protected her. Elsewhere in Petare, the opponent stated that her country’s government was “committed to spreading terror and violence.”

“We have all seen what is happening right now in this area of ​​Petare, where hundreds of Venezuelans who have gathered with us today have been threatened, intimidated and abused by the regime,” the precandidate said, according to a video published on Twitter by the Vente Political party. Venezuela. She pointed out that among the aggressors were “armed people” and that the government wanted to “abandon” them from its quest for the presidency. On Friday, Machado witnessed another incident when a group of people tried to block the passage of his vehicle in Vargas Municipality, where he was also campaigning. Several candidates are contesting the October 22 primary, including Henrique Capriles, a twotime presidential candidate, and Freddy Superlano, who was running for Juan Guaidó when he fled to the United States.

*With information from AFP