Mais Você, a program by Ana Maria Braga, becomes a target and can be taken from the air; now EmaisMT

Piranhas, May 22, 2022, by Sérgio Silva A controversy gripped Rede Globo’s morning show “Mais Você”. THAT program from Ana Maria Braga rotated target and can be removed after broadcasting an act deemed racist. However, the team attempted to work around the situation. see everything inside It’s more MT.

The fact happened during the broadcast of “Jogo das Panelas”, in which a competitor from Brasília presented an Africanthemed dinner. Coincidentally, one of the guests was dressed as an African king and decided to paint his face black. At the same time, the presenter asked for the transmission to be interrupted and explained that it was a racist practice. So, Ana Maria Braga’s broadcast was targeted and managed to be taken from the air.

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Ana Maria Braga’s Mais Você sparked a revolt among activists

It wasn’t long before protests against the station and the show erupted on social media. This is because not even the presence of a specialist explaining the practice bypassed the situation. One netizen commented on Twitter:

“The guy painted himself black for the African dinner and Namaria called an expert to explain why blackface is wrong. It was really cool that they exposed the issue instead of trying to hide it,” he said.

In addition, many people noticed that they perceived a certain naivety on the part of the Pan Game participant. The intent was to impress and attract attention with a characterization, but it became a public practice of racism.

The negative effects of the fall can still create many problems for the program presented by Ana Maria Braga. However, the broadcaster has not officially commented on the controversy. There is also no record of racism against the station or program.

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What is blackface and when did it originate?

At first glance it might seem like a homage, but in fact the practice was used around the 19th century in the US to ridicule Afro descendants. It was also widespread in the 20th century, but over time racism was vehemently opposed.

Many famous people, including Ana Maria Braga, have already started the practice. However, in this particular case, there were netizens who defended the participant and felt the disclosure was unnecessary. On Twitter, someone commented:

“Sorry! But totally unnecessary to expose such a participant. Are you using the person to teach moral lessons on national television?

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