Marco Bottega, the farewell to Antonella Clerici’s famous show is a blow to the heart: Unfortunately no one could do anything iFood

Marco Bottega the farewell to Antonella Clericis famous show isMarco Bottega – (Instagram photo)

His departure was a heavy blow for everyone. Unfortunately, no one could do anything about it. We knew it would happen sooner or later.

It’s always difficult to have to accept the decisions someone makes, but unfortunately that’s how life works and if that’s a person’s will, nothing can be done to make them change their mind. The same goes for the chef Marco Bottegaeven though it was his choice A blow to the heart for everyone, including Antonella Clerici.

Unfortunately, he decided to give up on himself one of its most famous programs, which has served as a showcase for many faces of the kitchen for years. This obviously caused great consternation among everyone.

In addition, the chef made himself known to everyone right there. Before this moment, he was not that well known in the culinary world, although some chefs knew him in a special way Massimo Bottura. That’s how it is with him began to take his first steps in this worldbut everyone saw his talent on television.

But unfortunately the decision has been made and no one can do anything about it. But what is this program that he has abandoned? For years he accompanied every morning, so it is a real tragedy not to see him there anymore.

A big disappointment for everyone

Although the cook Marco Bottega I’ve given up on this program, but luckily there’s also a way to watch it somewhere. The chef He certainly hasn’t given up on the world of cooking but continues to work on it with the same passion as always.

However, it is a great disappointment for everyone to no longer see him alongside Antonella Clerici. He was a really welcome guest and the explanations of how he prepared the dishes and the suggestions he made to prepare them optimally were always interesting.

The chef's testing logo

La prova del cuoco logo – (Instagram photo)

A hard blow to the heart for fans of the show

But what is this program that the chef had to forego? It’s about “The cooking test“, the show that was first under the direction of Antonella Clerici and then by Elisa Isoardi. He was a regular guest on the program for years, right next to Antonella Clerici. Together they were an incredible couple.

Unfortunately, as always with beautiful things, his adventure in broadcasting is over. It was a big disappointment for everyone and certainly also for the moderator.

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