“Mona Lisa : Activists throw soup on paintings in Paris G1

1 of 1 Activists throw soup into the glass of the Mona Lisa painting Photo: Reproduction/Twitter/Riposte Alimentaire Activists throw soup into the glass of the Mona Lisa painting Photo: Reproduction/Twitter/Riposte Alimentaire

Two activists threw soup on the protective glass in front of the worldfamous painting “Mona Lisa” in the Louvre Museum in Paris this Sunday (28).

Footage from a video showed two women throwing red soup at Leonard da Vinci's masterpiece, stunning the public at the scene.

“What is more important? “Art or the right to a healthy and sustainable food system?” the activists shouted in French.

The two crossed the isolation barrier to get as close to the painting as possible. They were then taken away by the museum's security staff.

The women represented the French organization Riposte Alimentaire (Food Response), which said in a statement that the protest aimed to highlight the need to protect the environment and food sources.

In recent years, many activists have targeted art to raise awareness about climate change.

Semana Pop explains who activists are who attack famous paintings and what they want

During a protest in May 2022, the glass in front of the “Mona Lisa” was covered with cream.