Montreal fires: Two suspects arrested | JDM – Le Journal de Montreal

Two people suspected of arson in the Montreal West and Bordeaux-Cartierville sectors were arrested by the Montreal Police Department (SPVM) on July 7 and 13.

The suspects, aged 37 and 33 respectively, who are believed to be unrelated, were arrested following separate investigations.

On the afternoon of July 7, a suspicious man was seen in the parking lot of a medical center on Westminster Avenue North in Montreal West. The person was seen at the same clinic on June 23 when a fire broke out in the facility’s toilets.

The arrested man is also linked to two other fires that took place on June 20 and July 4 at an ATM on the same street.

At around 5:30 am on July 9, a person entered the grounds of a place of worship on Acadie Boulevard in the Bordeaux-Cartierville sector to set fire to a banner and garland of lights. The suspect then smashed two windows in the building before leaving the scene.

The man was known to police and had already been arrested for robberies committed in the area a few days earlier. Further charges are being brought against him in connection with this attempted arson.