Multiple sclerosis, Georgette Polizzi: "The disease has awakened, but I’m not giving up"

Multiple sclerosis Georgette Polizzi quotThe disease has awakened but Im

A few days ago Polizzi went to the hospital to make gods

routine checks

, but they didn’t do very well. Now, he said, he will have to use therapies again to try to stop the disease.

‘Even this morning I walk past her’

the blue door

‘ (the entrance to the neurology department, editor’s note) – he wrote on Instagram -. A door I have walked through several times over the past four years. Sometimes I crossed it with a happy heart because I knew it would push me to improve, other times with my heart in my mouth because I needed to know the results of some tests. I also crossed them with tired legs and short of breath from fatigue. This blue door has seen a thousand sides of me. He saw me in a wheelchair and then limp, but he also saw me hopping, he saw me with a happy and hopeful belly. Sometimes he saw me with eyes full of tears, but mostly he saw me smiling all the time. Nowadays I will cross it every morning because

it seems that the ‘bastard’ woke up


Georgette now needs cortisone IVs “to get her back to sleep” but she has no intention of giving up. “This morning, unlike the other times, I walked through the ‘blue door’ thinking about my little girl and the fact that I’m going to win like always, but not for me.

This time I will win for them
