Mussum's eldest children reject allegations that the youngest daughter is fighting over the inheritance: “Dissimulated”

Paula (left), Igor (in the middle) and Augusto (right).

Paula (left), Igor (in the middle) and Augusto (right).

Photo: Reproduction/Sunday Spectacular

Almost 30 years after the death of Antônio Carlos Bernardes Gomes, better known as Mussum, The comedian's legacy is still the subject of conflict between his children. The youngest, Igor Palhano, wants to receive his share of the estate, which he considers a “millionaire”. The brothers are modest and claim that this would have been resolved by sharing.

“My father had some properties, a car and a boat. “These were the assets that were sold and divided over 15 years ago,” said Paula Gomes, Mussum’s daughter, in an interview with Domingo Espetacular on Record TV on Sunday 17.

Palhano was recognized as the comedian's son through a DNA test in 2019. According to Augusto Gomes, the eldest son, he was the one who “freely” provided the biological material so that the test could be carried out. According to him, the relationship seemed peaceful until conflict arose.

Among the youngest's allegations is that he was not involved in family events. In addition, when, for example, she asked for an amount of R$ 5,000 for rent, car and other expenses, she would not have received “a real one”.

“It’s not chaos, Igor is being disingenuous,” Gomes claimed. “We had events, carnivals and met normally. I can prove to you what his name was. He even got a call on Mother’s Day.”

The eldest son reported that he and his brothers did not live solely on their inheritance. “If he says he needs money to pay rent, car and gas, then he is working. Everyone needs it too, we have our difficulties. He even said this: “Can you lend it to me?” Well, I don't have it. He spoke to me and someone else who said he would try to help him,” he defended himself.

“There are a lot of people who obviously think, 'Hey, the boys want to kick things,' 'they don't want to give their brother anything,' we just don't give them anything,” the elder said. “He needs to regulate his process so that he can enter into the exchange normally.”

According to what the brothers told Domingo Espetacular, Palhano has not yet attached all the necessary paternity documents, essential to obtain all the rights associated with Mussum, such as image and copyright.

Mussum's four children say they are afraid of dealing with the situation for fear of tarnishing their father's image. “Nobody lives on mussum. Everyone [dos filhos] He has his work and his hurry. He wants to make a living from it; he believes that it can solve all his problems. I'm sorry, but he will be disappointed,” Gomes finally said.

“We are saddened to see this stick to my father's image, not just ours. And we want Igor to understand that. Whatever his right is, he will never be denied, and moreover, we can truly have a sibling relationship like the one that already exists between us,” Paula said.

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Source: Redação Terra