National Truth and Reconciliation Day: Are you free? – TVA News

Since National Truth and Reconciliation Day falls on a Saturday this year, some workers will have Friday off, while for others it will be Monday.

As of 2021, September 30 is a statutory holiday for federal public service employees as well as workers in settings regulated by federal law.

“This day allows every public servant and every Canadian to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. You can take the opportunity to reflect in peace or take part in a community event,” the Canadian government said on its website.

Because September 30 falls on a non-working day, workers can take their vacation on Friday or Monday, according to Employment and Social Development Canada.

Here are the sectors eligible for the National Truth and Reconciliation Day:

  • the federal government and federal Crown corporations (e.g. Canada Post),
  • Banks (except credit unions),
  • radio or television station,
  • airlines, airports or airfields,
  • Shipping lines, ferries, tunnels, canals, bridges or pipelines that cross provincial or international borders
  • Road transport companies that regularly and continuously carry out interprovincial or international journeys,
  • the ports,
  • grain silos,
  • band councilors,
  • Railways crossing provincial or international borders,
  • Telecommunications companies (e.g. telephone networks, Internet),
  • Uranium extraction and processing or nuclear energy companies