Netanyahu says he will ‘end Hamas’ and calls terrorists ‘bloody monsters’ .com

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held an emergency meeting with 38 ministers and made threats against the terrorist group Hamas.

“Hamas thought it would finish us off [Israel], [mas] “We will end Hamas,” Netanyahu said.

The prime minister told those present that soldiers were ready to act and eradicate “the bloody monsters” that had risen against Israel.

The government meeting to discuss the war began with a minute’s silence in honor of the 1,400 Israelis who died in the conflict with Hamas.

Nine days of fighting left 3,729 people dead on both sides of the war.

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Israel confirmed that 126 people were kidnapped in the terrorists’ surprise attack on Saturday (7).

Not all prisoners in the Gaza Strip are of Israeli origin. There is information that the Brazilians are under the power of Hamas.

In the first week of the war, Itamaraty confirmed that three Brazilians were killed.