Renowned US news anchor Amanda Hanson has died suddenly at the age of 38, Memphis-based Action News 5, the station where she worked, reported in a statement.
“Action News 5 is sad to announce the loss of our digital innovation leader, Amanda Hanson. “He worked tirelessly to build this coverage behind the scenes with his own inexhaustible energy and creativity,” said the farewell message to Amanda.
The station recalled that Amanda joined the Action News 5 team in 2021 and was “the driving force behind the Action News 5 Digital Desk.”
“Amanda’s infectious energy, His unwavering commitment to our team and innovative spirit have taken us to new heights.. As a key member of the news management team, she served as a close advisor on all digital matters, particularly excelling in social media,” the medium said.
Action News 5 also noted that Amanda earned her master's degree in strategic communications in 2020 by “always sharing and experimenting with her new knowledge for the benefit of our team.”
Amanda He had recently married his partner and he was in one of the most stable moments of his life.
“Her recent marriage to Darren has brought her great joy, which is evident in a video shared by her sister of them dancing in her newly renovated kitchen. Her stories always made our group laugh, and Amanda was often the one laughing the most. “Action.” News 5 wrote
Railroad station He did not provide any information about the cause of the journalist's death.