NFL player hacked and it was the most costly tweet ever sent

We’ve all made embarrassing social media posts that left us red-faced, but has anything posted to Twitter ever cost you millions?

That’s exactly what happened to NFL prospect Lamery Tunsil Thursday night after a video of him smoking marijuana through a gas mask bong was posted to his personal Twitter account just before the draft started.

Tunsil, projected as number one overall pick at one point, slipped to 13 where he was picked up by the Miami Dolphins when multiple teams erased him from their draft board.

All’s well that ends well, you might think. The boy got drafted in the first round, right? Not correct.

NFL prospects are paid on a tiered basis based on how high they are selected.

It is estimated that the former Ole Miss offensive tackle will lose as much as $8-12 million on Friday.

We think this is probably the most expensive tweet ever sent. We probably shouldn’t even mention the embarrassment he must have felt as this all played out in real time on live television around the world.

However, it’s not like the kid sent it on purpose. He was hacked.

The video is believed to have been taken 2 years ago, but you have to question the prudence of an NFL hopeful to keep something like this in his camera roll.

Someone was clearly after Tunsil, whose humiliating evening was not yet over. Texts were posted between him and a trainer on his Instagram account, posting details of an exchange of money to pay his mother’s utility bills.

If you know anything about the world of unpaid college athletic work, you know that “student athletes” can’t even be treated to a free lunch.

Again, this could get Tunsil, not to mention his coaches and alma mater, in a lot of hot water.

#LaremyTunsilsPasswords was trending on Twitter all Friday. Laremy’s account was nowhere to be found.