“No more bad manners,” Naldo says of pedestrians

Naldo Benny accompanied every second “The farm 14“, from Record TV, after all his wife, Ellen Cardosoa Little StrawberryShe is one of the participants in the reality show, which is in its very hectic final phase after unexpected program breaks.

However, one thing the funk singer was always happy to criticize was Group A, of which his wife is a member, which suffered two consecutive fatalities after Deolane Bezerra was kicked out and Pétala Barreiros asked her to leave the attraction, as he pronounced in both cases.

Read+: Jenny Miranda revolts with requests to remove Bia from “A Fazenda 14” and responds. Looks!

“I’m closing with the right one. I can’t get past stuff, Brazil isn’t stupid. Don’t come up with a false story. It’s a game. At the very least you have to be athletic, know how to win and know how to lose. Enough of the lowlevel bad traits. Brazil has experienced bad behavior for three months, lack of positioning in the family, in the game, in common sense,” the singer began.

“I will not take Ellen out of the house, she is an adult and knows very well the responsibilities that come with being in a serious company. Congratulations to Record, nothing has been tampered with,” he said.


Naldo then said: “It is clear that Babi is a champion. Even Friday was a party, Group A celebrated. “We are the champions” and such. Of course, I cheered and cheered my wife, but there was no manipulation by Record.”

Read+: Record announces Pétala’s departure

“Then an illness appears on Saturday, I have to go, a lawyer appears, I don’t know what appears,” he said. “For God’s sake, folks! Is Brazil stupid? Did you believe these stories, is there a clown nose here? Whoa, for God’s sake! What I teach my daughter, my son at home is principles,” the music star explained.

“I’m from Vila do Pinheiro, I’m from the favela, I’m from poverty, but these are character principles, honor, fair play. I teach my daughter that she has to know how to lose. What kind of behavior is it that you have to win everything with violence, oppression, aggressiveness?” concluded Naldo Benny.

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