Not all ferns are the same: 4 types of the plant and how to care for them Edital Concursos Brasil

For the Ferns they are Plant belongs to the Polypodiaceae family, which includes more than 12,000 species. They are vascular plants, meaning they have a system of conducting vessels that transport water and nutrients.

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Note that ferns are tropical plants that prefer moist and shady environments. They are known for their long, leafy leaves that can be green, yellow, red or black.

Ferns are relatively lowmaintenance plants, making them a great option for firsttime “plant parents.” They are resistant plants that can survive for many years with simple care.

Main fern species

There are many types of ferns, but some of the most popular are:

1. São Paulo fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Photo: tc397 / Getty Images Signature

It is a species native to South America that adapts well to indoor and outdoor environments. It has long, arching green leaves.

2. Maidenhair (Adiantum raddianum)

FernsFernsPhoto: Supakorn Rattanarach / Getty Images

It is a species native to South America that prefers indoor spaces. It has thin and delicate green leaves.

3. Deer antlers (Platycerium bifurcatum)

PlatyceriumbifurcatumPhoto: chameleonseye / Getty Images

It is a species native to Australia that prefers indoor spaces. It has broad, jagged green leaves that resemble deer antlers.

4. Portuguese Lace (Asplenium nidus)

AspleniumnidusPhoto: OlgaMiltsova / Getty Images

It is a species native to Asia that prefers indoor spaces. It has long, narrow green leaves that resemble lace.

How to care for ferns

To care for the fern, it is important to follow some tips:

  • Location: Ferns prefer moist, shady locations. Avoid placing the fern in places with direct sunlight or strong air currents.
  • Watering: Ferns require regular watering without allowing the soil to become waterlogged. Ideally, water the fern when the soil feels dry.
  • Fertilization: The fern can be fertilized every 15 days with a liquid fertilizer specifically for green plants.
  • Pruning: Ferns can be pruned to remove dry or damaged fronds. Pruning also helps control plant growth.

Here are some additional fern care tips:

  • If you live in a place with dry air, mist the fern fronds with water daily.
  • If your fern is losing leaves, check whether it is exposed to direct sunlight or strong drafts.
  • If your fern has yellowed leaves, check to see if it is receiving too much water or if the soil is too compacted.

With proper care, the fern can be a decorative and easycare plant for your home or apartment.