Home > Quiz > Only someone who has seen Back to the Future 10 times will receive a 5/5 on this quiz
Published on March 3, 2024 1:00 pm by Alexis Savona
Do you think you've seen Back to the Future ten times so you know it by heart? So try to do error-free in our mini-quiz about the cult film of the 80s.
What excuse did Marty give his mother so he could go on his date with Jennifer?
© Universal Pictures
He pretended to go camping with some friends.
When Marty wants to return to his neighborhood in the 1950s, he stops an elderly couple and asks for help. What's that man's name?
© Universal Pictures
The man's name is Joseph. We know this because his wife screams at him not to stop!
According to Lorraine's mother, what job does Marty do?
© Universal Pictures
She is convinced he is a sailor because she believes Marty is wearing a life jacket even though it is a coat.
Which science fiction character does Marty borrow his first name from to convince George to invite Lorraine to the ball?
© Universal Pictures
He says he is Darth Vader and comes from the planet Vulcan.
At what age did Marty set his living room carpet on fire?
© Universal Pictures
When he was eight years old, he set fire to his living room carpet.

Alexis Savona
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