Our guide to the first Republican debate: everything you need to know about tonight’s prime-time event and the GOP’s eight candidates (with Trump skipping the big showdown)

Eight Republican candidates will take the stage in a high-risk debate Wednesday night in Milwaukee as they fight for a breakthrough that can jumpstart their presidential campaign.

But the candidate who gets the most attention might end up being the elephant who’s not in the room: Donald Trump.

Trump declined to take part in the debate but is expected to dominate it – just as he is ahead of his rivals by double digits in the polls. In fact, he’s so far ahead that even if one of the candidates has a viral moment, it may not be enough to gain ground on the former president, who will be in the headlines again on Thursday when he arrives in Atlanta for his impeachment hearing at the… Georgia election arrives in interference case.

“I don’t think a lot of people are going to be talking Thursday morning about what’s happening here at this minor league game,” Trump ally Kari Lake told the DailyMail. com in an interview before the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, where the debate will be held.

The race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination has been going on for months, but Wednesday will be the first night most Americans pay attention.

And that means millions of viewers will be tuning in at 9 p.m. ET Fox News to see the contestants make their arguments. All of the candidates: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President Mike Pence, Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Gov. Chris Christie, Senator Tim Scott, Gov. Asa Hutchinson and Gov. Doug Bergum are aware they must run to take advantage of the moment to make a name for yourself.

The lineup for the debate phase (from left): Asa Hutchinson, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Doug Burgum

The lineup for the debate phase (from left): Asa Hutchinson, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Doug Burgum

Details of the first Republican primary debate

The debate begins at 9 p.m. ET and is expected to last two hours.

It is sponsored by Fox News, so it can be viewed on that channel and on the Fox Business Network. It will stream on Fox News Digital and on Rumble.

The debate will be co-moderated by Fox News presenters Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.

Candidates will not make an opening statement, but will have 45 seconds to make closing remarks. Candidates have one minute to answer a question and 30 seconds to ask follow-up questions.

To participate in the debate, candidates must meet a donor threshold (40,000 unique contributors, including 200 each from 20 states) and a polling threshold (at least 1 percent support in three qualifying national polls, or two qualifying national polls plus qualifying polls from two states). with early voting: Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina).

They must also sign a pledge of support for the eventual Republican nominee, whoever it may be.

Fox Business will host a second debate on September 27th at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

Only one woman will be represented on the stage of the eight candidates. But there will be six who are either governors or former governors, one US senator, two who are children of Indian immigrants, and a few multi-millionaires.

Presenters Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum have said they will make sure Trump appears at the event — in video clips they will show and questions they will ask about the four charges against the former president.

Additionally, several of the Republican candidates – like Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson – have vowed to attack Trump, while others – like Ron DeSantis – will court his supporters.

Trump will have his own counter-program Wednesday night — a pre-taped interview with Tucker Carlson, the former Fox host whose show was canceled by the network.

And he will have proxies on site in Milwaukee for the debate. His eldest son Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle will sit in the debate audience and speak to the media after the event.

Lake will also be in the audience. She spoke to reporters Tuesday outside the debate room as Trump supporters waved signs with his name in the background.

“This isn’t a race guys — the primary is over,” she said, citing Trump’s massive lead in the polls. The former president leads the RealClearPolitics poll average by 41 points.

She also accused Fox News of being anti-Trump, saying that’s why he’s skipping the debate.

“It doesn’t make sense for him to go into this and watch a broadcaster — who’s already decided they want anyone to know about Trump — solicit ratings from him.”

“He’s just too smart for that.” And to be honest, he doesn’t need to. He’s already the candidate. He’s so far ahead. Nobody can catch up.’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, another Trump ally who will be in the debate audience, told it’s time for the party to get behind Trump.

‘It’s over. It makes no sense. It’s a waste of donor money. “It’s just that everyone has to stand behind President Trump,” she said.

But with Trump absent from the stage, the spotlight will fall on the next two frontrunners, each of whom will take center stage: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

Still, it remains unclear whether either candidate can use the night to gain enough ground to seriously challenge Trump: The former president leads DeSantis with 41 points and Ramaswamy with 49 points in the RealClearPolitics poll average.

But both DeSantis and Ramaswamy prepare to be the target of an attack.

Trailing Trump in the polls by a wide margin, DeSantis has established himself as Trump’s only true rival.

“We will be ready,” DeSantis said Monday. “I think with Donald Trump not there, I don’t think it’s a secret that I’m probably going to be the guy that people are going to be after.”

He told Fox News earlier this week that Trump should be there.

“Everyone should debate this. Everyone has a responsibility to win people’s votes. “No one is entitled to anything in this world, let alone the Republican nomination for president,” he noted.

“This is really a great opportunity because I don’t think very many people have been paying close attention over the summer.” “This will be the first time candidates will be able to speak unfiltered to a large number of Americans,” he said.

As reported by the New York Times, the Florida governor worked with a top debating coach ahead of Wednesday night’s event.

Other candidates prepare for the debate using more relaxed methods.

Ramaswamy posted a video of him smashing tennis balls – shirtless – on Monday, calling it “three hours of solid debate prep.” On Tuesday, he posted a video of himself and his wife doing burpies. This time he was wearing a t-shirt.

The youngest Republican presidential nominee has been targeted for his foreign policy remarks – a move that comes at a time when he has been rising in the polls.

Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, attacked him on Monday.

Ramaswamy said he would cede Taiwan to the Chinese, he would allow Russia to keep parts of eastern Ukraine and he would cut military aid to Israel once the Middle East was stabilized.

“It’s part of a worrying pattern with Vivek,” Haley said. “Between giving up Israel, getting rid of the FBI, and handing Taiwan over to China, his foreign policy proposals have a common theme: they make America less secure.”

Haley will be the only woman on stage when the Republican candidates meet Wednesday night and will use her campaigning experience to prepare for the debate.

Donald Trump has decided to skip the first Republican primary debate

Donald Trump has decided to skip the first Republican primary debate

Trump supporters march around the Fiserv Forum, where the Republican primary debate will be held Wednesday night

Trump supporters march around the Fiserv Forum, where the Republican primary debate will be held Wednesday night

Ron DeSantis is expected to be a key target of Wednesday's debate

Ron DeSantis is expected to be a key target of Wednesday’s debate

Fox News anchor and debate moderator Bret Baier poses with a fan for a photo in front of the Fiserv Arena as preparations for the Republican primary debate begin

Fox News anchor and debate moderator Bret Baier poses with a fan for a photo in front of the Fiserv Arena as preparations for the Republican primary debate begin

A Haley aide told , “Nikki spent six months campaigning, answering unanswered questions from voters in New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina.” She’s not afraid of the tough questions. She will always fight for what she believes in.”

Tim Scott has also seen an increase in polls lately. He prepared for the debate with a small group of advisors.

“Tim Scott will be bringing his positive, conservative message to the Milwaukee debate stage.” “This debate is another opportunity to connect with millions of voters across the country and show why Tim has faith in America and why he is the strongest candidate who can beat Joe Biden,” a spokesman told .

Scott prepares for the debate by spending time with his family and pastor, praying, and going to the gym. He enjoys praying from Proverbs and is downright fanatical about his training.

“We don’t see the debate as crucial for us,” a source close to the campaign told . “We are not a candidate who needs a boost or a fresh start.” “We have the resources and infrastructure to continue this debate and many more.”

“We expect him to perform well and he’s very well prepared.” But it’s not a crucial moment. “He doesn’t need to come up with a viral slogan,” the source noted.

“He wants to share his positive and optimistic conservative message.” “That’s what he wants to convey in the debate,” the person said. “For many voters, this may be their first time seeing Tim Scott.”

Vivek Ramaswamy posted a video of his

Vivek Ramaswamy posted a video of his “debate preparation”.

Nikki Haley will be the only female contestant on stage

Nikki Haley will be the only female contestant on stage

Tim Scott will spend his debate prep praying and practicing — above, he played games at the Iowa State Fair last week

Tim Scott will spend his debate prep praying and practicing — above, he played games at the Iowa State Fair last week

Media trucks set up in front of the Fiserv Forum

Media trucks set up in front of the Fiserv Forum

Mike Pence is one of the few candidates with experience on the national debate stage, having participated in vice presidential debates.

Pence told ABC’s This Week on Sunday that he will “just be me” in Wednesday’s debate.

“I’ve got a little experience doing nationally televised debates, but it’s different with a group on stage.” And look, I’m just going to be myself,” he said. “I feel like I’ve spent my entire life preparing for this first Republican presidential debate.”

Chris Christie, who ran in 2016 and failed to win the Republican nomination, also has experience participating in primary debates this cycle.

But he has focused his campaign on attacking Donald Trump. It’s unclear how effective these attacks will be when the former president isn’t on the scene.

He tried lines of attack during the election campaign.

“By Wednesday night, the front runner for our party’s nomination will be released on bail in four different jurisdictions,” he said at an event in Miami. “When are we going to stop pretending this is normal?”

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson also plans to attack Trump. He said he plans to take on the role of the former president’s “prosecutor.”

“I’m not going to defend Donald Trump — I’m going to be a prosecutor,” he said in an interview with MSNBC. “I’m going to tell the truth about Donald Trump, and whether he’s here or not, he’s going to be at the center of the debate.”

“Some of the candidates will defend Donald Trump,” he said. “I will definitely stand on the side of telling the truth.” But this is a crucial moment: who will promise pardons?

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum described himself as the “least-known candidate” on the debate stage.

He said Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press that he’ll be successful in the debate “if we get a chance to explain who we are, what we’re about and why we’re running.”