“Paco” Bazán “adjusted” Chilean journalists: "Gareca will suffer from his food"

Paco Bazan adjusted Chilean journalists quotGareca will suffer from his

The arrival of Ricardo Gareca on the bench of the Chilean team continues to have an impact. After several Peruvian fans questioned the arrival of the “Tigre” in La Roja. One of those who spoke clearly on this issue was the former football player “Paco” Bazan, who starred in a strange crossover with the Southern press.

During an interview with ESPN, today's TV host was invited to celebrate with a Chilean Pisco Sour; However, he surprised when he defended the national drink.

“We will toast Chile with a wonderful grape brandy. According to international organizations, the denomination of origin is respected and it is respected that Pisco is a city older than the city you treacherously founded to support your grape brandy. “We toasted with a Peruvian Pisco Sour” , he said.

Furthermore, he emphasized this Ricardo Gareca You will not have fun with the gastronomy of the southern territory. “Of course the general opinion in Lima is that Gareca will suffer from the food, he will have a pretty poor diet,” he added.

What did “Paco” Bazán say about Ricardo Gareca and Chile?

Regarding the signing of Ricardo Gareca in Chile, Bazán did not hesitate to appreciate what the 65-year-old coach had achieved with the Bicolor; However, he considered him a “traitor”.

“Gareca was the only manager of a bubble that united a people. This was important because the positive message created expectation and hope. He achieved something that seemed impossible: uniting the fan with the press and the leader (…). A bubble.” That was thwarted by the failure to qualify for Qatar and later by the bad maneuvers of Agustín Lozano, the only person responsible for Gareca cheating us and going to Chile (…) I don't want to, that he is well (Gareca), I have the right (to say) that he is not well,” he said.